Quick Decode: Whoever is driving in your dream has the power. If it’s you driving, do you want to take more control of your life and its direction?Where are heading in your dream? Are you moving assuredly toward your destination, or are you driving around in circles? How does this reflect upon your life?If someone else is driving the car, are they in charge of your life? How do you feel about it? Are you quite happy to take a back seat while they direct your course, or do you want to take charge of the wheel? Perhaps you are giving directions and the driver is ignoring you. Also, consider whether the driving in your dream indicates that you are “driven” about something in your life.


Popular Expressions: High as a kite; happy as Larry; just what the doctor ordered


Possible Meanings:

Since the beginning of time, individuals who wanted to reach higher levels of consciousness mixed up a mind altering brew to help them along the way. These days it’s more recreational that evolutionary. Ask yourself are the drugs in your dreams changing your mood? Your confidence? Or are they offering insights on how to add meaning to your life? Do you feel in control or out of control? Do you feel guilty or do you feel free? It’s very important to look at the emotion when it comes to drugs in the dream, as it will give you a very clear indication on how you are going to feel when you wake up. It’s one of the wonders of nature that our dreams can affect our moods so profoundly, they have the ability to keep us on a natural high if that’s our desire.